Water leaks can be a huge inconvenience and cause massive damage to your home if not detected and fixed quickly. In this article, we will discuss how to detect water leaks in a home before they become a bigger problem. We will also introduce you to General Tools’ water leak detection products and how they can help you find potential leaks in your home.

How to Detect Water Leaks in House Walls?

What Are the Signs of a Water Leak in Your Home?

One of the most common problems homeowners face is water leaks. Leaks can occur in many places, and they can often be difficult to detect. However, there are a few key signs that you can look for that may indicate a leak. For example, you may notice water stains on your walls or ceiling. 

These stains are often caused by water seeping through cracks or holes in the structure of your home. Toilet leaks around the base will show up as wet marks on the floor below. Another sign of a leak is mold or mildew growth. Mold and mildew need moisture to survive, so if you see these growths in areas where there is no water source, it may be a sign of a hidden leak. 

Water leaks can also cause paint or wallpaper to peel, and they can warp wood floors or other materials. Finally, unexplained increases in your water bill may also indicate a leak.

How to Detect Water Leaks in Your Home

One of the most common reasons water leaks go undetected is because they're hidden behind walls, floors, or ceilings. Water can cause serious damage to your home, so it's important to know how to detect water leaks in these areas by checking for any visible signs of water damage. 

If you locate the telltale sign of a leak, the next step is to use detection tools, such as moisture meters or infrared cameras. Moisture meters can be used to measure the moisture content of the air or building materials, to help pinpoint the location of a leak. Infrared cameras can detect thermal anomalies, which can indicate a hidden leak.

Actively Monitor for Leaks with General Tools’ Detection Products

Many homeowners don't realize they have a water leak until they get their water bill, but by then, the leak has already done considerable damage. The best way to avoid costly repairs is to actively monitor for leaks with a moisture meter. Moisture meters are devices that measure the moisture content of a material. 

By placing the sensors on different parts of your home, you can get an idea of where potential leaks might be. General Tools can provide equipment that actively and wirelessly monitors your home for high humidity, as well as hand-held tools to spot and inspect problem areas.

Wireless Water Alarm Item #WA500

Wireless Water Alarm Item #WA500

The WA500 Wireless Water Alarm is the solution to detect leaks from virtually any location inside or outside your home. It has a 120-foot range, so you can put the sensor in your basement and the receiver upstairs without worrying about distance.

Pinless LCD Moisture Meter with Tricolor Bar Graph #MMD7NP

Pinless LCD Moisture Meter with Tricolor Bar Graph #MMD7NP

The MMD7NP Pinless Moisture Meter is a great way to detect potential moisture problems without making pinholes. The design is ideal for woodworking, flooring, and other applications where it’s important to not damage the wood. It comes with visible and audible alerts, perfect for working in all conditions. The MMD7NP can detect moisture levels up to ¾ inch deep with a measurement range of 0 to 53% for softwood and 0 to 35% for hardwood. 

MM7 Pin-Type Moisture Meter Item #MM7

MM7 Pin-Type Moisture Meter Item #MM7

The first step to preventing mold is finding moisture. High levels of moisture are the main cause of harmful mold growth in the home, and if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems for your family. 

The MM7 Pin-type Moisture Meter helps you find the exact moisture content of wood, drywall or other building materials, so that you can take the necessary steps to remediate the problem and keep your family safe.

Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter with Temperature and Humidity Item #MMH800

Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter with Temperature and Humidity Item #MMH800

The MMH800 Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter with Temperature and Humidity is the perfect tool for finding water leaks and measuring the moisture content of walls, floors, ceilings, and subfloors.

General Tools Can Keep You Ahead of Water Damage with Top-Rated Detection Equipment

Water damage can be a costly and devastating problem for any homeowner. By monitoring your home for leaks and water damage, you can head off these problems before they become too large. 

General Tools offers a wide range of top-rated detection products that can help you actively monitor your home for leaks and water damage. For more information on our products, please visit our website or call us today.